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Before we start, it’s important to understand why we call the Essentials, “Essentials”. Usually, our minds go to something a little more so-called ‘basic’. For Givelo, our Essentials are directly linked to the essentials of riding. A collection that describes through multiple avenues, the purity behind cycling. In our latest collection, we link directly to a pure cycling emotion. So how did we apply ai tools? Designers have always relied on their creativity and skill to produce visually stunning graphics that captivate audiences. However, with the advent of AI image tools, the design process has been revolutionized. AI image tools can now provide designers with a wealth of resources that make it easier to create complex designs and save time.

AI image tools can also generate images from scratch. These tools use machine learning algorithms to create unique images that are based on a set of input parameters. Designers can use image generation tools to create custom graphics, and in our case, a visualization of our emotive concept of a cyclist's sensation, on-bike.

Although Ai has been available for some time, we have been uncertain about its applications as a society. The Essentials 2023 presented an opportunity to investigate further how these new tools can be applied. We decided to try our hand at some of these tools as a support mechanism to take our designs to the next level. In this collection, we have used tools like OpenAi Dall-e to create a visual perception of Calm and Chaos, thank you, Sam Altman.

We asked a simple question; “what does it look like when calm turns to chaos?”. You can see here a few selected images that were generated.

The outcome as seen above was a series of images that depicted different moments of calm and chaos. These images were then dropped into our design process, manipulated and adjusted over and over until we were completely happy with the final graphic. The final multi-layered print was eventually too complex for Ai tools to create from scratch but they gave a huge amount of content for our designers to work with. What was clear is that asking the right question is a new-ai-skill. For now, you won’t find the finished article using Ai tools, but instead, inspirational images to either boost your design process or speed it up. Starting out with a clear concept was the most important to be able to plug into these new tools to bring the concept to life.

While AI image generator tools have revolutionized the field of
design, they are not without limitations. An over-reliance on these tools or a lack of clarity with your core concept can lead to a rabbit hole of irrelevant images and textures. It’s limited ability to understand contexts means that you have to be very balanced with expectations and give clear instructions. The process is certainly one we will keep working on and expanding in all areas of the collection.

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Behind the scenes Essentials 2023

Behind the scenes Essentials 2023

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Behind the Camera G90 2021-3

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