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Once your order is completed, Givelo will ask for your personal and commercial information. This information will be verified with our payments provider to make sure the transactions are fraudless. We reserve the right of making every necessary control after every purchase, so we can guarantee the safety and traceability of every fund. All payments made on our website are encrypted and your card details are not retained or visible for us or any of our employees. Every order placed on our website depends on stock availability. Articles placed on the basket won’t be saved for you unless payment is done, therefore if some other client separates the same garments as you, they will be able to buy them before. Once the order is placed and payment shows effective for us, Givelo will proceed to save the bought products for you. This will be done ONLY once the payment is reflected on Givelo’s account. At the moment you make your payment on Givelo’s website, you are confirming that the debit/credit card you are using belongs to you or that you have the authority of the cardholder to make the payment. We reserve the right to decline payments and orders to customers who don’t fulfill our standards.